Gender Equality

Since 1996, the Gender Equality Law applies to all employment relations. Nevertheless many women in business life still face discrimination. The wage difference to male employees still amounts to an average of around 20%. Women knock against a "glass ceiling" in their professional careers and they are still exposed to sexual harrassment on the job. The Gender Equality Law provides helpful tools for law suits against discrimination.

Employees may not be discriminated due to their sex, civil status, family situation or a pregnancy. This rule applies to employment, task dispatching, organization of the work conditions, wages, training, professional career and dismissal. Harrassment of sexual nature or due to the gender is discriminating if it impairs the dignity of women and men on the job; e.g. threats, promises or pressure to attain a favour of sexual kind.


Notary Public 


Franciska Hildebrand

Specialist SAV Family Law
Collaborative Law clp schweiz
Mediation SAV

Regula Schmid

LL.M. Specialist Social Insurance
Collaborative Law clp schweiz
Mediation SAV

Ursula Strauss

lic. iur. HSG attorney

Engelgasse 2 | Marktplatz
P.O. Box 42
CH-9004 St. Gallen

+41 71 222 77 52


Register of Attorney and Notary

Bar Association St. Gallen and Switzerland