Partnership Law

In the non conjugal partnership, there are many legal problems to be considered:
What happens, when I get old or invalid? What, if my partner dies? Which legal powers have to be provided to a partner so he can represent the other one if needed? Do I have to witness against my partner in a court trial? We assist you to conclude a partnership contract, to draft a patient order, a will or a legal power.

"Marriage for all"  Same-sex couples can marry or convert their registered partnership into a marriage. No new registered partnerships can be established in Switzerland. However, existing registered partnerships can continue without a special declaration.


Notary Public 


Franciska Hildebrand

Specialist SAV Family Law
Collaborative Law clp schweiz
Mediation SAV

Regula Schmid

LL.M. Specialist Social Insurance
Collaborative Law clp schweiz
Mediation SAV

Ursula Strauss

lic. iur. HSG attorney

Engelgasse 2 | Marktplatz
P.O. Box 42
CH-9004 St. Gallen

+41 71 222 77 52


Register of Attorney and Notary

Bar Association St. Gallen and Switzerland